When it comes to principle, stand like a rock.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Health Care Is Not Broken, Just Warped.

Ok, lets talk about the truth that we all recognize to be self evident. Everyone should have health care and that there are real issues that have been driving the price of health care out of site for the average American for years, if not decades. Those issue's are Fraud, Lawsuits, Entitlement that some Doctors feel after more then 8 years of college, the over pricing of Medications, and the matter of health care being run as a high end business with some over payed people.

If the government can regulate the cost of energy, then why can't they regulate the price at which health care providers charge. And regulate the amount that someone can receive in a malpractice lawsuit. Not to mention, holding Doctors to their Hippocratic Oath, and require a doctor to do a required amount of pro bono(free) work to the community that they reside in. In return for that "free" service", give them a small tax credit for doing what they took a oath to do anyways.

Now to the big one that we must all agree upon, the criminalization of FRAUD on a level that makes people not wish to even think about it, and hold them accountable for damages and discipline them harshly for abusing a important, lifesaving institution. Now to the fact that some health care workers are over paid. If the price that a Doctor can charge is capped, then those same doctors will have to cut the pay of those over payed health care professionals. And again that the returns from research into new medicines are returned to the investors at a even and steady pace. That will lower the price for those same medications that the companies now look to reap a return on in a short time, and lucrative profits for years to come.

Now, about those that would sell us into a Socialist environment I have personally have waged a war of truth upon. These people, instead of looking at the cause of the problems, chose to side with friends and special interests, instead of the truth. We should ALL look to remove these self serving Representatives in 2010. They have attempted to sell us all into slavery, and most of the citizen's don't even know it yet. So look at the following list and see who you, as your duty to be vigilant to defend freedom, you must remove. They are:

ARIZONA Democrats — Giffords, Grijalva, Kirkpatrick, Mitchell, Pastor.
ARKANSAS Democrats — Berry, Snyder.
CALIFORNIA Democrats — Baca, Becerra, Berman, Capps, Cardoza, Chu, Costa, Davis, Eshoo, Farr, Filner, Garamendi, Harman, Honda, Lee, Lofgren, Matsui, McNerney, Miller, Napolitano, Pelosi, Richardson, Roybal-Allard, Sanchez, Linda T, Sanchez Loretta, Schiff, Sherman, Speier, Stark, Thompson, Waters, Watson, Waxman, Woolsey.
COLORADO Democrats — DeGette, Perlmutter, Polis, Salazar.
CONNECTICUT Democrats — Courtney, DeLauro, Himes, Larson, Murphy.
FLORIDA Democrats---Brown, Corrine, Castor, Grayson, Hastings, Klein, Meek, Wasserman Schultz, Wexler.
GEORGIA Democrats —Bishop, Johnson, Lewis, Scott.
HAWAII Democrats — Abercrombie, Hirono.
ILLINOIS Democrats — Bean, Costello, Davis, Foster, Gutierrez, Halvorson, Hare, Jackson, Lipinski, Quigley, Rush, Schakowsky.
INDIANA Democrats — Carson, Donnelly, Ellsworth, Hill, Visclosky,
IOWA Democrats — Boswell, Braley, Loebsack.
KANSAS Democrats — Moore.
KENTUCKY Democrats — Yarmuth.
LOUISIANA Republicans —Cao.
MAINE Democrats — Michaud, Pingree.
MARYLAND Democrats — Cummings, Edwards, Hoyer, Ruppersberger, Sarbanes, Van Hollen.
MASSACHUSETTS Democrats — Capuano, Delahunt, Frank, Lynch, Markey, McGovern, Neal, Olver, Tierney, Tsongas.
MICHIGAN Democrats — Conyers, Dingell, Kildee, Kilpatrick, Levin, Peters, Schauer, Stupak.
MINNESOTA Democrats — Ellison, McCollum, Oberstar, Walz.
MISSISSIPPI Democrats —Thompson.
MISSOURI Democrats — Carnahan, Clay, Cleaver.
NEVADA Democrats — Berkley, Titus.
NEW HAMPSHIRE Democrats — Hodes, Shea-Porter.
NEW JERSEY Democrats — Andrews, Holt, Pallone, Pascrell, Payne, Rothman, Sires.
NEW MEXICO Democrats — Heinrich, Lujan.
NEW YORK Democrats — Ackerman, Arcuri, Bishop, Clarke, Crowley, Engel, Hall, Higgins, Hinchey, Israel, Lowey, Maffei, Maloney, McCarthy, Meeks, Nadler, Owens, Rangel, Serrano, Slaughter, Tonko, Towns, Velazquez, Weiner.
NORTH CAROLINA Democrats — Butterfield, Etheridge, Miller, Price, Watt.
NORTH DAKOTA Democrats — Pomeroy.
OHIO Democrats —Driehaus, Fudge, Kaptur, Kilroy, Ryan, Space, Sutton, Wilson.
OREGON Democrats — Blumenauer, DeFazio, Schrader, Wu.
PENNSYLVANIA Democrats —Brady, Carney, Dahlkemper, Doyle, Fattah, Kanjorski, Murphy Patrick, Murtha, Schwartz, Sestak.
RHODE ISLAND Democrats — Kennedy, Langevin.
SOUTH CAROLINA Democrats — Clyburn, Spratt.
TENNESSEE Democrats — Cohen, Cooper.
TEXAS Democrats — Cuellar, Doggett, Gonzalez, Green Al, Green Gene, Hinojosa, Jackson-Lee, Johnson E. B., Ortiz, Reyes, Rodriguez.
VERMONT Democrats — Welch, Y.
VIRGINIA Democrats — Connolly, Moran, Perriello, Scott.
WASHINGTON Democrats —Dicks, Inslee, Larsen, McDermott, Smith.
WEST VIRGINIA Democrats — Mollohan, Rahall.
WISCONSIN Democrats — Baldwin, Kagen, Kind, Moore, Obey.

Make sure that these people, who don't even hold their oath to protect the Constitution(read the 10th amendment), have been removed as soon as possible. To quote a founding father that knew what tyranny was:

Thomas Jefferson
Yet it is easy to foresee, from the nature of things, that the encroachments of the State governments will tend to an excess of liberty which will correct itself, while those of the General Government will tend to monarchy, which will fortify itself from day to day.

Thank you and post you comments below. God Bless America, My Home Sweet Home!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are all Senators this Snobbish?

I recently watched the now viral video about the new UNFCCC treaty that has so many U.S. Citizens so rightly concerned. If you haven't watched it, I HIGHLY recommend you do so, and SOON!!. So, as a concerned citizen of U.S. sovereignty, I sent a E-mail to my senator Kay Hagen(NC), and it read as Follows...

WHEREAS the proposed United Nations Global Climate Treaty intends to establish an un-democratic world government which would override our United States Constitution and Surrender our national sovereignty; and

WHEREAS the Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade bill, also known as ACES (the American Clean Energy and Security Act - HR 2454), will essentially impose an 'energy tax' on all goods and services produced in the United States; and

WHEREAS gasoline and electricity prices will, in President Obama’s own words, “necessarily skyrocket” under a cap-and-trade scheme; and

WHEREAS cap-and-trade schemes are projected to cost US taxpayers over $1 trillion per year; and

WHEREAS the adoption of cap-and-trade would result in millions of additional US job losses; and

WHEREAS cap-and-trade would disproportionately inflict economic damage on the poor and middle-class; and

WHEREAS the U.S. economy is already in deep recession and cap-and-trade schemes could result in an additional $7 trillion loss in our Gross Domestic Product; and

WHEREAS the claims of carbon-driven anthropogenic global warming (AGW) are unproven and are, in fact, contested by over 31,000 scientists (compared to fewer than 50 on the United Nation’s International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) who claim AGW is a serious and immediate problem); and

WHEREAS global temperatures have not risen since 2000 and data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration demonstrates that the earth has actually been cooling for the last 4 years; and

WHEREAS new research from MIT has dispelled one of the key underpinnings of anthropogenic global warming theory (the notion that more long-wave radiation is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere when temperature rises); and

WHEREAS the touted, climate benefit of cap-and-trade schemes is that global surface temperatures will be one-tenth-of-one-degree cooler than currently projected in one hundred years, if one even accepted the contested claims of AGW.

THEREFORE I petition President Obama not to sign the United Nations Climate Treaty. I also petition my US Senators to forcefully oppose ratification of the treaty and Congress to oppose any legislation that would create a cap-and-trade scheme in United States law.

Cap-and-trade would benefit a select group of wealthy individuals on the backs of hard-working American families who will see absolutely no benefit, not even after paying for a cap-and-trade scheme for 100 years.

Say "NO" to all cap-and-trade schemes.

Sincerely, ...(
thought you were gonna get my name didn't ya :) )

and this was her Response to me...


Dear Friend,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts and opinions. Since taking office, I have received an overwhelming number of calls and emails from North Carolinians like you who are ready to take an active part in our government. I appreciate each and every call and email. With our country facing some of its toughest challenges in a generation, your phone calls and messages are an important factor guiding my work here in Washington. Please be assured that we will get back to you as soon as possible regarding your specific concern.

I would like to take this opportunity to share my website with you. Please visit http://Hagan.Senate.Gov to find contact information for my offices and to stay updated as my new state offices open. You can also find information there about what I've been doing in North Carolina and Washington. It is an honor to serve as your United States Senator, and I appreciate your patience as I transition into this new role. I sincerely hope you will not hesitate to contact me at any time to share your concerns and voice your opinions on our country's most pressing issues.



Kay R. Hagan
United States Senator, North Carolina


Sounds good Right? I thought that my representative had heard me, but later i got this....


Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting me regarding global climate change and your concerns with a government-implemented "cap-and-trade" system to limit greenhouse gas emissions. I greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts on this important issue.

On June 26, the House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) Act of 2009 (H.R.2454). Similarly, on September 30, the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act (S.1733) was introduced in the Senate. It has since been referred to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works for further review.

Both pieces of legislation would regulate carbon emissions by establishing a cap on greenhouse gas emissions from large U.S. sources like electric utilities and oil refiners. The goal of both bills is to reduce emissions through a system of tradable permits modeled after the successful Clean Air Act program to prevent acid rain. If emitters are unable to reduce their emissions, they will be able to purchase allowances from other sources that have excess permits. This market-based approach is preferred because it provides economic incentives to reduce carbon emissions at the lowest cost to the economy. The bills would also invest in renewable and clean energy, provide incentives to encourage increased energy efficiency, and create thousands of high-paying jobs that cannot be outsourced.

I strongly believe that the United States must serve as a leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions that deteriorate our atmosphere and threaten our environment. Like you, however, I am concerned about the impact of any new federal policy on energy costs in North Carolina and American economic competitiveness. We cannot allow the impact of new energy initiatives to fall disproportionately on North Carolina or low-income citizens. Likewise, we cannot put American industries at a competitive disadvantage while we push other nations to adopt similar emissions reduction targets.

Already, during deliberations regarding the fiscal year 2010 Budget Resolution, I joined a bipartisan effort to protect our state and its residents from unfair increases in energy costs as a result of any federal energy legislation. Similarly, as a preventive measure to protect North Carolinians from a fast-tracked climate change bill, I opposed a budget amendment that would have allowed climate legislation to pass with only a simple majority vote in the Senate. This means that North Carolinians will have a seat at the table as Senate leaders look to obtain the support necessary to pass any new climate change legislation.

With this in mind, I anticipate the opportunity to work with my colleagues in the Senate to craft comprehensive energy legislation that will address vital environmental concerns while placing North Carolina at the vanguard of energy independence and sustainability. While comprehensive energy legislation has not yet been considered by the full Senate during the 111th Congress, I will review any proposal carefully to ensure that federal efforts to reduce greenhouse gasses do not negatively impact the citizens of North Carolina.

Again, thank you for contacting my office. It is truly an honor to represent North Carolina in the United States Senate, and I hope you will not hesitate to contact me in the future should you have any further questions or concerns.


Kay R. Hagan
United States Senator, North Carolina


Did she even read my message or was this a group mailing dismissing me and my concerns She was so happy to receive in my first message from her, wasn't she? Does it not sound like she is trying to "SPOON FEED" me cap-and-trade!! You tell me your thoughts about all of this and if you would like to know why I feel this way just visit globalclimatescam.com and check the facts for yourself as i have checked enough of them to believe them. MIT is a good place to start to understand what they are trying to do.

Oh, by the way, here was my response to her...
Apparently you didn't read my message nor have you checked out the latest SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH that we are in a 8 year long(so far) "Cold Snap" in our climatic history. I am not asking you to ignore our planet and the poisons that can be place into it, but to make sure that our Sovereignty as a nation is not muddled with in the name of "Protecting the Environment." Please contact Lord Monckton if you want to know the TRUTH about the "Global Climatic Condition" or simply watch his 95 minute presentation to Bethel college to see the "True Scientific Facts." You can find this presentation on globalclimatescam.com or being a Senator, and i do respect you and your sacred office, you can probably get a direct dialog with him for he is looking to talk to Senators about the upcoming CO15 summit and the UNFCCC treaty. Thank You Again.

I am open to comments about her action (or inaction) and if anyone else has had representative utterly and blatantly ignore their concerns, Also please blog and post a link here if your Representative has done this to you. You know, the ones that are supposed to be representing us.
